2020-10-28 19:07:00

eTwining projekt - predstavljane naše škole i grada iz kojeg dolazimo

U skolpu eTwining projekta predstavili smo našu školu i naš grad Našice. 

Our school is named after the first Croatian composer Dora Pejačević.

In 2008, we became part of a large international family of schools that received the status of Eco-schools.


Elementary School Dora Pejačević Našice

We have been collecting old paper, plastic caps and waste batteries for years.

The school cooperative regulates the environment. With the money we earned by collecting old paper, we bought 150 seedlings of ornamental shrubs and planted a hedge around the school yard. Since we bought the seedlings with money from the collected old paper, we achieved the principle of sustainable development.

When we became the Eco School, we rearranged the already existing flower garden in front of our school. We planted plants in the shape of the Eco School logo.

We have a recycling yard. We are implementing a waste disposal project. Our goal is to raise the awareness of our students and their parents (consumers) about the need to reduce waste and recycle it.

The student cooperative "Mladost" contributes to the successful work and promotion of the school. The work of the Student Cooperative is based on the concept of sustainable development, which encompasses three dimensions: entrepreneurship, development of environmental awareness and civic education. The cooperative has fifteen sections that develop students' creativity and practical work skills in a pleasant working atmosphere of workshops. Workshops for teaching Household and Technical Culture are equipped with old paper funds. New workspaces become a comfortable place where students acquire basic life and practical skills. Entrepreneurship develops on humanitarian values ​​because all sections of the Student Cooperative together prepare a sales exhibition of their products in order to raise money for students of lower financial status. We use natural materials and traditional work techniques in the production of products, and we find motifs in the cultural and historical heritage of our city. Thus, the joint work of all sections contributes to the achievement of the goals of civic education, the development of environmental awareness and entrepreneurship.

Osnovna škola Dore Pejačević Našice